St Edmund's Parish Godalming
In The Word Who is Life, his pastoral plan for the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton post-pandemic, Bishop Richard calls us to the mission of the church, the body of Christ:
Join with me in forging our parishes into communities of saints, into strong, lively and welcoming schools of discipleship.
May they be communities where the Lord is known and loved;
where the liturgy is experienced as an encounter with the wonder of heaven;
where daily prayer is a natural part of life;
where all are welcomed and their dignity as children of God always recognised;
where young people grow in deep love for the Gospel, for the sacramental life of the Church and for prayer;
where all know the riches of the faith and seek to share it with others.
We hope that you will recognise some of these qualities as already lived in our parish and would be delighted if you would join us in answering his call. Over the coming months we will be discerning what this might mean in practice for us in Godalming and how we might be faithful to Christ's command to "Go, make disciples".
Brief Notices
Times of Mass and other parish events can be found in the calendar below.
For an overview of other in the parish please have a look at the newsletter which can be downloaded here.