Who’s Who


Fr Jonathan How

Fr Jonathan was ordained priest for the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton in 1993 and was appointed parish priest of Godalming in October 2019. He has previously served as a priest in the parishes of Woking and Cobham. He knows Godalming well from his 18 years on the staff of the Seminary at Wonersh, teaching Philosophy and Liturgy.

He is a trustee of the Diocese and chairs its finance and art and architecture committees.

He has an active involvement with the Scout Movement at local, national and international level. In his spare time he enjoys climbing and mountaineering.

He can be contacted at the presbytery, by email at jonathan.how@abdiocese.org.uk or phone on 01483 416880. If there is no answer please do leave a message.

Fr Jonathan lives at St Edmund's, Croft Road. He is Parish Priest of Godalming, and of the parish of Haslemere, Hindhead and Chiddingfold.


Sarah Stilwell is our Parish Assistant, working part-time to support the mission and administration of the parish. She works from home as well as the parish office and is best contacted by email: godalming@abdiocese.org.uk


The Pastoral Planning Team meets every half term and helps direct the strategic pastoral development of the parish. Its members are Fr Jonathan, Angela Gilmour, Ian Honeysett, Jo Lewry, Joe Meaney, Peter Reintges, Sarah Stilwell (ex-officio), Eleanor Streatfield, and Adrian Wyn-Griffiths (ex-officio).


Chair of Parish Finance Committee - Adrian Wyn-Griffiths

Parish Priest - Fr Jonathan How

Parish Treasurer - Jo Taylor

Gift Aid Coordinator - Eileen Hudson

Members - Damian Wheeler, Margaret McClinton

Secretary - Sarah Stilwell


Please note that, where the area has a page on the website, you will be directed to relevant page by clicking on the words "CLICK HERE". The contact details will be found on the page to which you are directed.

Bumps and Babes CLICK HERE

Catenians Rory Flynn 01483 422154

Children's Liturgy CLICK HERE

Diocesan Safeguarding Officer 07585 657090

Emergency Contact St Joseph’s Guildford 01483 562704

First Holy Communion CLICK HERE

Gift Aid Eileen Hudson 01483 208238

Knights of St Columba Sean Leathem 01483 423954

Live Simply Jo Lewry 07836 202588

Missio Nick de Caestecker 07985 096233

Parish Safeguarding Representative CLICK HERE


Sacristan Brenda Brown 01483 422418

St Edmund’s Primary School 01483 414497

St Vincent de Paul 07379 108009

TTT Andy Poulsom 01483 420206