Prayer Groups
Parish Prayer Group
The group meets every Monday evening [except on Bank Holidays] at 5pm during the winter months and 7.30pm in the summer months, at The Old Farmhouse Barn, Elstead, and all are welcome. For more information contact Richard Grey on 01252 702230.
Brief History
The parish prayer group started 27 years ago in October 1994, when eight parishioners came together with Fr Michael’s blessing and encouragement, including Olive Spalding, Sister Ursula FMDM, Agnes Grey, Desiree Cron, and Richard and Hilary Grey. They, and other parishioners who later joined the group - Peggy Macfarlane, the Frosts, the Drappers, the Lodges and Ladywell Convent Sisters - have been an inspiration and encouragement to each other over the years.
Interestingly, our Godalming parish has the accolade of being the home of the first Catholic-led ecumenical prayer group in the UK, which was started at Bronwen Astor’s home in 1970, along with members of the parish such as Terry Christie, Olive Spalding and Pat Marsh. Many productive seeds have been sewn and borne fruit such as Tweenways, the Loseley Christian Cancer Healing Group, the Holy Spirit Seminars led by the Rosminians at Derryswood and the founding of the present parish prayer group.
We thank God for blessing and guiding the prayer group over the years with evangelising initiatives such as Alpha and Post-Alpha programmes, Healing Days, Spiritual Direction, Weeks of Guided Prayer, the Mission, Holy Spirit Seminars and so many Spirit-filled Masses at the Barn.
In the words of one of the prayer group members ‘when we pray together informally, we share simply and humbly in our hearts God’s abundant and unconditional love, made whole and alive in Jesus Christ’.