A Warm Welcome
A warm welcome to the parish of St Edmund's in Godalming. Here you will find an overview of our community, with information on our places of worship, schools and other parish activities.
Our churches are at the heart of a vibrant and welcoming Catholic community in Godalming and the surrounding areas.
The parish has two churches, St Edmund's in Godalming and St Joseph's in Milford, with Mass also celebrated at St John's in Farncombe on Sunday mornings.
As a Roman Catholic parish in the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton we work closely with the other parishes in the Guildford Deanery, and we also support and work with other local churches, as a committed member of Churches Together in Godalming and District.
We offer a complete liturgical programme, including a weekly children's liturgy. This is complemented by an array of other activities for the faithful - including parish youth activities, groups for new parents and Sycamore and Alpha courses for adults, and a Live Simply Group (we received our Award from CAFOD in March 2021).
Everything we do and offer is to meet our aim of being a loving community which reaches out to everybody in the friendship of Christ.
To register as a new parishioner please fill in the form below. Alternatively, you can contact one of the team (click here) with any questions you may have on our parish, our work and how we can help or support you and your family, or how you can help and support others.