How can I donate?
You can donate online here.
Many people choose to donate by donation or standing order directly to the parish bank account (see below) cash, cheque or contactless machines at our Sunday services
Bank Details for Donations
Name: RCD AB Godalming
Sort code 40-05-20
Account number 41077481
If you are giving for a particular purpose, please make sure that this is clearly identifiable in the reference.
Gift aid
Donating through Gift Aid means that the parish can claim (from HMRC) an extra 25p for every £1 you give. And it will not cost you any extra. If you would like to Gift Aid your donations please contact Eileen Hudson, the parish Gift Aid Co-ordinator, on 01483 208238 or by email:
The parish is funded entirely by donations, mainly from our parishioners. These donations enable us to
maintain our churches as places for prayer and worship
provide catechesis for young people and adults
support our clergy, their training and their living once no longer serving in parishes
support our Catholic Schools
support our mission to young people
build a community that reflects God's love for the world
maintain a safe environment and way of working
uphold a good standard of charity leadership and governance