Young Adults

This is an exciting time to be a young adult in the Catholic Church.

A group usually meets on the first Wednesday of the month from 7.00pm at St Joseph’s in Guildford for Prayer and Pub. For more details contact

Lizzie Wakeling, based at the St Philip Howard Centre in Crawley, has a number of events in the Diocese for Young Adults, such as a Games Night for Single Catholic Young Adults on 5th October in Crawley. “An opportunity to mingle and chat over food, in a relaxed and informal environment with some giant games to help break the ice!” Contact her directly if you would like to know more about this or similar events.

Lastly, we are only a short journey from London, which has a thriving scene. A lot of events and opportunities are posted in the Catholic Young Adults in London Facebook Group.


We especially welcome young people to join and to play at our Masses with contemporary music. These are usually at the 6pm Mass. See the Parish Calendar for dates. For more information contact Nicki by email.