Mass and Reconciliation


The celebration of Mass is at the heart of our parish. Mass is celebrated most days somewhere in the parish for the salvation of all God's people, living and dead.

Sunday Mass

6.00pm (Vigil Mass) - St Edmund's, Godalming

8.45am - St John's, Farncombe

10.30am - St Joseph's, Milford

Weekday Mass

Weekday Masses are usually celebrated at 9.30am at either St Edmund's or St Joseph's. Occasionally Mass will be celebrated earlier in the morning, at lunchtime or in the evening. Please check the newsletter or parish calendar.

Everyone is welcome to attend any of our services, including baptisms, weddings and funerals.

You can view the calendar showing parish services and main events by CLICKING HERE. The main locations at which services are held can be found by CLICKING HERE.


Fr Jonathan is usually available to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation after the 6.00pm Vigil Mass at St Edmund's.

In the Season of Advent Fr Jonathan and/or another priest will be available to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation at St Joseph's after a 9.30am Mass on Saturday mornings.

Arrangements can also be made for other mutually convenient times. Please ask Fr Jonathan when you see him at Mass or phone him on 01483 416880.