A Better World
Mother Teresa is a shining example of what we can all do to make the world a better place. As you reflect upon her quotes, we invite you to read below a few of the ways in which we, as a parish, seek to make a difference. There are lots of different opportunities. If you find yourself moved to help, please contact us. We all have a place and a role. What is yours?
We are a Live Simply Parish!
"We are called to be instruments of God our Father, so that our planet might be what he desired when he created it and correspond with his plan for peace, beauty and fulness' (Pope Francis LS 53)
We officially received our Live Simply award from CAFOD in March 2021 having set out on this journey in the summer of 2019.
The Live Simply movement grew out of Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical Laudate Si’ ‘On care for our common home’ which reminds us that Creation is an expression of God’s love and encourages us to recognise that all our actions, however small, have an impact on each other and on our environment. Our ‘ecological conversion’ leads us to a new lifestyle of living simply, sustainably, and in solidarity with those in poverty.
We respond to the 'cry of the earth and the cry of the poor' through raising awareness of environmental concerns such as the climate crisis; fund-raising for CAFOD to draw attention to their campaigns to help the vulnerable and needy; supporting local needs in the community such as the foodbank, the homeless and local prisoners; and organising events which bring our parish community together such as an annual ‘plant giveaway’ and a special Mass during the Season of Creation.
Our group meets every month, and we welcome new members; please get in touch if you would like to join us by contacting jolewry@aol.com Please also subscribe to our monthly email newsletter so that you can receive ideas to inspire your Live Simply journey.
“The ecological crisis is also a summons to profound interior conversion…Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience". (Pope Francis LS 217)
St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP)
Our aim is to tackle poverty in all its forms through the provision of practical assistance to those in need.
The concept of need is broader than financial hardship, so visiting people who are sick, lonely, in prison, or suffering from addiction is also a significant proportion of our work. The essence of our work is person-to-person contact and spending time with people is our greatest gift.
Our 10,000 volunteer members, motivated by their faith, are committed to meaningful and long term befriending. Inspired by the message of the Gospels they seek and find those in need and offer them sincere friendship. They visit them in their homes, in hospital and in care homes on a regular basis and offer additional practical support such as food, furniture or financial help where needed. They also organise trips and events for older and isolated people. If you would like to find out more, please CLICK HERE for the person to contact in the parish.
The Catenians
The Catenians are an association of Catholic laymen who are committed to their Faith, their families, to those in need and to each other. Our primary purpose is to establish a network of friends, which enhances their family life, strengthens their Faith and sustains them in difficult times. We support each other, the Catholic Church, young people and those in needs. If you would like to find out more, please CLICK HERE for the person to contact in the parish.
Churches Together on Godalming
Churches Together In Godalming Logo Grey With Colour Logo"I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one" (John 17:21)
Our parish is a committed member of Churches Together in Godalming and District. We support and work with many local churches. Examples of this work include full participation in the Trinity Trust Team, a Christian based youth group serving young people in this area. We are proud to share services with our fellow Christians at various times throughout the year. There are various social events, such as Men's Breakfasts. We also support the Christmas day lunch for all those people who are alone or struggling on this important feast in the Christian calendar. If you would like to find out more, please CLICK HERE for the person to contact in the parish.
To visit the Churches Together website please CLICK HERE.