Children's Liturgy

What Is Children's Liturgy?

'Children's Liturgy' is actually the 'Liturgy of the Word for Children'. We cover the Sunday Gospel and readings at a level the children can understand and enjoy. We enrich this with discussion, prayers, and songs. We also try to raise awareness of God's love, the humanity of Jesus, the Seasons of the Church, the understanding of symbols in the Mass and the context of the Bible.

Our aim is to make the children's experience of church meaningful, whilst helping them to grow in the faith of the Catholic Church and develop as full and active members of our Parish Community.

Why Children's Liturgy?

The first half of the Mass is the Liturgy of the Word where we listen to readings from the Bible, followed by the Homily. However, we all recognise that both of these are generally aimed towards the majority of the congregation which is essentially adult. This proves to be of little interest to a young child who may become bored, making church a negative experience.

When do you hold the Liturgy?

Children's Liturgy is held every Sunday during term time at the 8.45am Mass at St. John's, Farncombe. The children are asked to come forward after the opening prayer of the Mass and then they process to the Sacristy or Parish Room where the Liturgy takes place. They return to join the full congregation at the offertory. Any work they have done is brought up during the offertory as their gift to God and the Community.

Who can attend Children's Liturgy?

Children's Liturgy is open to all children of primary school age, from year R to year 6. Younger siblings are welcome to be brought in if accompanied by a parent.

Who runs Children’s Liturgy?

Children's Liturgy is run by parents / adults in the parish who are keen to pass on their faith to the children. They use a variety of resources and each session is based on the readings of the day. We are always looking for people to help as either a session leader or helper.

Registering for Children’s Liturgy

We ask all families to register with the parish by completing the Parental Consent form (and a separate form is required for each child), and to sign in each week.

We also ask you to take the time to share the Code of Conduct for Children’s Liturgy with your child, according to his/her age and understanding: he/she will listen, be kind and friendly to everyone, be quiet when asked, will always stay with the group and never leave without a parent/carer, and he/she will help make Children’s Liturgy a happy and fun place!

Helping with Children’s Liturgy

Children's Liturgy is run by volunteers. We always need more helpers and you would be most welcome! Training and guidance are available for newcomers who join the rota of helpers. For more information and a chat to find out what is involved please contact Eleanor at the email address below. We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact for Children’s Liturgy at St John’s

Eleanor Streatfield -