Word of God
Bible Alive offers a reflection on the scripture reading for each day. It comes in a small printed format and also on Kindle. I know some people who have been subscribers for a long time and really love it. They offer a free trial.
Pray As You Go Offers a daily prayer session, designed to go with you wherever you go, to help you pray whenever you find time, but particularly whilst travelling to and from work, study, etc. Each prayer session lasts around 10 minutes, and combines music, scripture and reflection. You can download this free App to your phone or PC.
Magnificat is another popular printed resource, usually obtained by subscription, which includes the readings for Mass each day, a reflection and a shortened form of Morning and Evening Prayer.
www.esv.org is a website and App with the English Standard Version of the bible. The new English Catholic Edition of the ESV is now in use and if you would like to purchase a new Sunday or Weekday Missal please get in touch with the parish office. We have copies of the CTS and Redemptorist editions available in our churches for parishioner use.
Bible Gateway offers a wide range of open access translations of the bible.