First Holy Communion

The First Holy Communion preparation in our parish is led by parents, as they are the first teachers of their children, with the guidance of Fr Jonathan and the support of a course leader.

We gather parents and children for monthly sessions on Saturday afternoons and on these weekends there is a special welcome at Mass for children preparing for the sacraments, and their families.

We start our programme in September by gathering for an enrolment Mass at which we make special promises and commit to following the course. After preparation we celebrate First Reconciliation around Easter time and the First Holy Communion Masses in May.

We use the ‘Growing Up Catholic’ course to learn about and prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of the Eucharist. This series of colourful booklets includes activities for children and helpful notes for parents.

We would be delighted to welcome you to the programme and help you prepare your child for such an important step in life. Registration for the new course usually starts in the summer when your child is in school year 3, and information is sent out via the parish newsletter. Registration is also available for children who are regularly at Mass and who will be going into school year 3, after discussion with Fr Jonathan. Meanwhile, if you have any queries, please email or speak to Fr Jonathan.

Sycamore for Parents

Preparation for First Holy Communion includes four Sycamore sessions for parents, each of which will run twice. These provide an opportunity for parents to grow in their own faith and gain a richer understanding of the mysteries that they wish their children to share. It is expected that at least one parent will attend each session, but we'd be delighted if other are able to come along to one or the other. We hope that you will enjoy them.

Sessions will take place (unless otherwise notified) at 19 Croft Road, Godalming. One will be a Saturday Breakfast session (coffee and a bap or something like that provided) and the other on a Thursday evening with some light refreshments. You don't need to bring anything other than yourself. Please allow an hour and a half.

Round 1. Power of Prayer.

Round 2. The Holy Spirit and the Church.

Round 3. Forgiveness, Healing and Mission.

Round 4. The Eucharist.

First Reconciliation

We look forward to welcoming the children to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time and will once again do this in small groups of about 6 or 7 families. Details will appear here once arrangements have been made.

Registration 2024 /25

To register yourselves and your children for First Holy Communion Preparation please click here. Children preparing for First Holy Communion will usually be in school Year 4 (or above) in September 2024, but those who will be in school Year 3 and are regularly at Mass are also welcome. A copy of the child's baptism certificate will be needed for children baptised outside the parish.

Some parents have asked about ordering Bibles and copies of YouCat for Kids. You can order them through the parish here, or purchase them from a number of online sellers.

Donations towards the cost of the programme can also be made here. For further details on how to support the parish visit the Donations page of the website.

FHC Main Contact

Useful First Holy Communion Documents