Time and Talents

There are many different gifts, but it is always the same Spirit; there are many different ways of serving, but it is always the same Lord. There are many different forms of activity, but in everybody it is the same God who is at work in them all’ (I Corinthians 12, 4-6)

Our parish volunteers are really important to us and we recognise that people are busy and time is tight. We appreciate all offers of help and can be flexible in our response and offer any support or training which may be needed. So please don’t hesitate to get involved! These are some of the needs and opportunities. This page will be continually in development.

We spent a few weeks in the autumn of 2022 reflecting on our call to stewardship and you can download the leaflets as pdf here or read them in your browser here.

You can use this link for an online form to offer your time and talents: link.

Liturgy - The Parish’s Worship

Welcomer - Welcomes people to Mass with a smile. Keeps a particular eye out for new people or those who have not been for some time and tries to learn some names. Welcomers will also help coordinate the offertory procession and keep an eye out for the health, safety and well-being of the congregation.

Choir - The parish forms a small friendly choir for the major feasts of the year.

Music - Our parish has a few instrumentalists who currently play from time to time. It would be great to get a small and regular band together.

Altar Serving – Though often associated with children, adult servers also make a real contribution to the smooth running of the liturgy.

Reader - Readers proclaim the scriptures and announce the intentions of the bidding prayers at Mass. They should have good clear voices. Some training is usually provided.

Children’s Liturgy - provides an opportunity for children in year 3 and below to engage with the Word of God at Mass in a more child-friendly manner. It usually takes place at the 8.45am Mass in term time. Childrens' liturgy is an important part of Mass for families with young children and the support of grand-parents and those who don't or no longer have children is really welcome. A DBS check and safeguarding training is required.

Communion Minister - takes communion to the sick or housebound. Training is provided and a DBS and safeguarding training are also needed.

Screen operator / programmer - to operate the screens at St Joseph's from a laptop.

Coffee after Sunday Mass - provides hospitality after Mass on a rota basis. Currently every other week after 8.45am Mass at Farncombe, but would be great to extend if we had enough volunteers.

Handing on our Faith

Baptism Preparation - Supporting parents preparing for the Baptism of their children. Accompanying them at two preparation sessions that currently run on a Saturday afternoon and online on a Thursday evening. Helping them to reflect on their faith at this new stage in the lives of their families.

Bumps & Babes - Monday mornings at St John's. Providing a welcoming time and space for parents with pre-school children. This is really valued by the Mums and an important support for them.

First Holy Communion - Working with the Parish Priest to support parents preparing their children for the sacraments. Includes opportunities to share in the catechesis, administration, hospitality and preparation of (craft) activities for the children.

Confirmation - helping our young people (usually year 10) to reflect on their friendship with the Lord.

Youth Ministry - accompanying our young people and children.

Alpha / Sycamore - facilitating discussion, preparing and serving food and drink

RCIA (preparing adults for sacraments) - accompanying adults preparing for sacraments and/or enter into full communion with the Catholic Church.

Marriage Preparation - helping to mentor couples preparing for marriage, and/or facilitating preparation sessions (currently held in Guildford)

Adult Formation & small groups - helping to lead opportunities for adults to grow in the knowledge and understanding of their faith and/or to talk about it with one another.

Caring for Others OTHERS

Live Simply – is our parish justice, peace and sustainability group. Help encourage others and work with others on local projects raising awareness and funds.

SVP (Society of St Vincent de Paul) - The SVP in the parish visit the elderly / sick / housebound, offering friendly support. Many will also bring them Holy Communion. Members usually meet every two weeks for mutual support.

Afternoon Tea with the SVP - The SVP provide an afternoon tea on the second Wednesday of each month in Elstead for older and less mobile members of the parish. Help is needed with lifts, making cakes and savouries, serving tea and washing up and sitting and chatting.

Bereavement Ministry "The Ministry of Consolation" - a fairly new ministry in our parish, offering support for those who have been bereaved. The Diocese offer a specific training for this.

Welcoming new parishioners - what it says on the tin. Keep an eye out for them. Meet up with them. Feed them. Listen to them and help them.

Prison ministry - visiting as part of a group in particular at Coldingley and Send.

Other Parish Ministries

Prayer group/Rosary group/Mothers’ prayers - these are examples of prayer groups which run either here or elsewhere and could run here if there were people interested in leading them.

Parish Pastoral Team - works with the parish priest to steer the pastoral strategy and activities of the parish

Parish Finance Committee - A canonically required group which supports the parish priest in the care of the 'temporal goods' of the parish - finance, fundraising, health and safety, building and estate maintenance.

Church care – sacristy / cleaning / flowers

Counters for Offertory collections - on a rota


Organising and supporting Social Events / Hospitality

Churches Together in Godalming - representative

Admin support (e.g. website)

Safeguarding team - safeguarding is an important part of parish and public life. Safeguarding Representatives help welcome new volunteers and help to ensure all our activities with children and vulnerable adults are planned safely and well.

School - Parish contact - We are always looking for members of the parish who might volunteer at our schools, whether as governors or as members of the local community helping with reading and all sorts of other activities.