Parish Safeguarding
The Catholic Church upholds the personal rights and dignity of all people and recognizes each individual is made in the image of Jesus Christ and should be valued, supported and protected. The Church also recognizes that it has a special responsibility towards children, young people and vulnerable adults and is committed to a culture of safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church.
In keeping with these responsibilities, the Parish is committed to taking all the appropriate steps to maintain a safe environment for all through constant vigilance. If and when concerns are expressed the Parish undertakes to liaise closely with statutory agencies to ensure that any allegations of abuse are promptly and properly investigated.
All parishioners should be confident that the needs of children, young people and vulnerable adults in our Parish will be responded to sensitively and compassionately and that all vulnerable people will be kept safe from harm, cared for and loved by their Parish community.
Safeguarding Contacts
Parish Safeguarding Representative (PSR) is Sarah Stilwell
To contact the PSR by phone or email: the parish Safeguarding Phoneline is: 07534 146908 and the PSR email is:
This is a confidential safeguarding phone line. If you are concerned about the abuse, neglect or harm of a child, young person or adult please leave a message on the ansafone and your call will be responded to asap. Alternatively you can phone Angela McGrory, the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer on 07585 657090.
Police In an emergency: if you believe that a child, young person or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger, then you should contact the Police on 999 (or 101 if not an emergency).
Concerns about Children
If you’re concerned about the safety of a child or young person contact Surrey Children’s Single Point of Access (C-SPA): 0300 470 9100 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) or 01483 517898 for the out of hours emergency duty team.
Concerns about Adults
If you're at risk of abuse or neglect, or suspect someone else is, you need to report this. Contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH): 0300 470 9100 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) or 01483 517898 for the out of hours Adult Social Care emergency duty team.
Mental Health Crisis Helpline
Phone 0800 915 4644, open 24/7 for support for adults, children and young people in distress.
Child Line for any child who is struggling 0800 1111
Stop it Now child sexual abuse helpline 0808 1000 900
Hourglass stopping abuse of older people 0808 808 8141
Refuge National Domestic Abuse helpline 0808 2000 247
Family Action Parenting Help 0808 802 6666
Samaritans 24/7 phone support 116 123
Domestic Abuse Surrey Your Sanctuary 01483 776822
Modern Slavery helpline 08000 121 700
Diocesan Safeguarding contacts
Diocesan Safeguarding Coordinator: Angela McGrory Email: 07585 657090
Diocesan Safeguarding Office: The St Philip Howard Centre, 4 Southgate Drive ,Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 6RP. Email: T: 01293 651148 07391 415362
How does Safeguarding work in the Diocese? The Bishop is responsible for Safeguarding issues in our Diocese. He delegates responsibility via the Trustees to the Safeguarding Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee, together with the Bishop, appoint a Safeguarding Co-ordinator, and Safeguarding Officers. The Sub-Committee is accountable to the Bishop and advises him on policy implementation and best practice. The Co-ordinator and Officers report to the Sub-Committee and are accountable to the Bishop via the Sub-Committee.
For more information visit the A&B safeguarding page:
Towards a Culture of Safeguarding
Safeguarding Training
The Church has a responsibility to ensure that all those who undertake work in the name of the Church - whether clergy, religious or lay people, paid employees or volunteers - are adequately trained in safeguarding matters and are fully aware of the role they play in safeguarding vulnerable people.
The Bishop, Trustees and Safeguarding Commission therefore expect all volunteers to undertake diocesan Safeguarding Awareness training, irrespective of whether your role requires a DBS check. This training should be refreshed every three years, and ideally should be completed within three months of taking up your role.
If you have completed diocesan face to face training in the last 3 years, your training requirements are up to date. If you have not completed diocesan Safeguarding Training in the last 3 years you must complete the relevant Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) Level 3 course online. This module is required for all volunteers who are involved in ministry with Children and all volunteers involved in ministry with Vulnerable Adults/Adults at Risk (e.g. as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion).
For access to the training please enrol via this link: W: or go to W: and use the Menu in the top right-hand corner to navigate to ‘Resources’ and ‘Training’.
The course autosaves as you progress, so you can return to complete it at your convenience, and takes between 60-75 minutes to complete.
Certificates for completed courses are available to download and print – please email a copy to the parish safeguarding representative so that we have a copy for our records.
Safer Recruitment
Volunteers in DBS roles are required by the Diocese to undergo DBS checks prior to taking up roles in the Parish. The DBS checks are renewed every three years and after your first check it is advisable to register with the online update service as this makes subsequent checks easier and quicker.
The process for safer recruitment includes:
two references
confirmation of ID
DBS check where relevant
agreement to undertake relevant safeguarding training
acceptance of the Code of Conduct agreed for all leaders and helpers in the Parish
sign a written agreement as a volunteer leader/helper
Download a copy of the written agreement here
National Safeguarding Structures
Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA)
The CSSA holds a regulatory function extending to all dioceses and Religious Life Groups. It monitors compliance by Church bodies with the safeguarding standards adopted by the Church, using its own independent audit and review function and is empowered to undertake its role as a regulator through the freely entered into contractual relationships between it and the Church bodies it provides a service to. Through this, the CSSA has the powers to ensure that each Church body partnered with it, is complying with the published standards.