Creation Mass at Ladywell

We marked the start of the Season of Creation by celebrating our 10.30am Mass outdoors in the beautiful surroundings of Ladywell Convent. Sitting comfortably with a fresh breeze, a cloudy sky and no threat of rain, we could listen to the voice of Creation, hearing the wind in the trees and experiencing the beauty of the outdoors. Our hymns reflected the theme, and we started Mass with 'How Great Thou Art' and ended with 'Lord of Creation to you be all praise!'. After Mass we enjoyed fabulous cakes freshly baked by the Ladywell chefs, along with coffee and tea - and not surprisingly it took some time for the very sociable and large crowd of parishioners to disperse! We also kept the people of Pakistan, who are suffering from a climate-induced flood disaster, in our thoughts and prayers, and held a retiring collection for funds to support them.

The Season of Creation is a month of reflecting more deeply on our stewardship, which ends on the Feast day of St Francis on 4th October.


Fr Michael Perry RIP


Celebrating the Feast of the Assumption