Final Report from Building Review Group
This post contains the final written report from the consultation carried out earlier this year, setting out in a little more detail what was presented to the parish in May and published on the website at that time. I would like to express my thanks to those who responded to the consultation and to Mary Waight, Fiona Rees, Francis Quinlan, Peter Sims and Elizabeth Sims who have steered this listening exercise, and in particular to Mary and Fiona for doing much of the analysis and drafting the report.
You can download the report here.
The picture given by the consultation confirms that we are one church community with three Mass centres, each of which is valued and much loved. No clear preference or mandate emerged from the responses to the questionnaire.
With the unfolding of the pastoral plan, our key priority must now be to develop a pastoral vision for Godalming within the new wider parish. While this is taking place we will explore in more detail the alternative use of the Croft Road site, engaging a land agent to seek offers from potential developers on a ‘subject to planning basis’. As budget figures emerge we can then consider the development of St Joseph’s, Milford, including possibly fundraising for a vision even if this cannot be realised immediately.