Lectio Divina - Advent 2024

“Lectio Divina” or “Holy Reading” is powerful form of prayer that is at the heart of the renewal of the Church in our time. In it we encounter the person of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, who though the Holy Spirit speaks his word of hope into our hearts. This Advent you are invited to join Fr Jonathan online on Tuesday evenings at 8pm to be guided in praying through some of Scripture readings for the Sundays of Advent. A copy of the texts will be uploaded here each week. These sessions are open to people in Godalming parish, Guildford deanery and beyond and will not usually last more than an hour.

You can read more about Lectio Divina on our website.

Zoom ID: 896 0379 3702. Passcode: 2025. Or using this link.

Tuesday 26th November - 1st Sunday of Advent. Download the readings here. (NB: earlier file was old text)

Tuesday 3rd December - 2nd Sunday of Advent. Download the readings here.

Tuesday 10th December - 3rd Sunday of Advent. Download the readings here.

Tuesday 17th December - 4th Sunday of Advent. Download the readings here.

Some people find zoom difficult and are welcome to come in person to 19 Croft Road. Please let Fr Jonathan know if you plan to come in person and arrive a few minutes early.


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New Youth Discipleship Group - updated 27/12/24